Vacancies in HAL RWA Helicopter Division Bangalore April 2015 – Apply on

HAL jobs at

Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL)

Rotary Wing Academy,
Helicopter Division,
Hyderabad – 500042

Rotary Wing Academy, Helicopter Division, Bengaluru, a unit of HAL’s vast network invites applications from the eligible candidates in the prescribed proforma fulfilling the requirement for the following posts :

  1. Chief Flying Instructor : 01 post
  2. Dy. Chief Flight Instructor : 01 post
  3. Flying Instructor : 02 posts
  4. Chief Ground Instructor : 01  post
  5. Ground Instructor : 03 posts
  6. AME (A&C) : 01 post
  7. Administrative Officer : 01 post
  8. BAMEC / BAMEL Holder : 01 post
  9. Technical Tradesman (Helicopter) : 01 post
  10. Assistant (IMM / Methods / Progress) : 01 post
  11. Flight Dispatcher / Clerk : 01 post


1- Chief Flying Instructor – 1 Post

(a) Job Specification
(i) To conduct student Pilots license examination and Flight Radio Telephone Operators (Restricted) license.
(ii) To impart flying training to Trainee Pilots for the issue of Civil Flying Licenses.
(iii) After training for the issue of Assistant Flight Instructors rating Aero-planes AFIR(H), FIR(H) and to carry out their periodical
progress checks.
(iv)To authorize flights of the aircraft operated by the Academy for which he is approved.
(v) To carry out the skill tests for issue and renewal of Pilots’ licenses.
(vi) To act as overall in charge of the training activities of the Academy.
(vii) To authenticate the entries in the Pilots log book.
(viii) To conduct standardization checks of AFls / Fls of the institute.
(ix) To carry out skill test for issue /renewal of AFIR (H)/FIR (H).
(x) To carry out patter training for the issue of FIR (H).
(xi) To carry out skill test for issue / renewal of Instrument Rating provided the CFI has a total instrument flying Experience of at least 100 hours and his Instrument rating is current.
(b) Age limit – 57 Years.
(c) Emoluments : Consolidated emoluments of Rs.3,28,000/-per month and will be covered under the Income Tax Act Rules / Professional Tax etc., as per laid down Rules.
The Break-up of the consolidated emoluments is indicated below:
i) Consolidated Fixed Pay : Rs.82,800/-.
ii) Flying Related Allowance: Rs.1,45,200/-.
iii) FIR Allowance:Rs.50,000/- (subject to receipt of approval from DGCA)
iv) CFI Allowance:Rs.50,000/-(subject to receipt of approval from DGCA)
( d ) Experience : As per DGCA guide lines.

2- Dy. Chief Flight Instructor – 1 Post

(a)Job Specification
(i) To conduct student Pilots license examination and Flight Radio Telephone Operators (Restricted) license.
(ii) To impart flying training to trainee Pilots for the issue of Civil Flying Licenses.
(iii) Patter Training for the issue of Assistant Flight Instructors rating AFIR(H) and to carry out their periodical progress checks.
(iv) To authorize flights of the aircraft operated by the Academy for which he is approved.
(v) To carry out the skill tests for issue and renewal of Pilots’ licenses.
(vi) To act as overall in charge of the flying training activities of the Academy.
(v) To authenticate the entries in the Pilots log book.
(vi) To conduct standardization checks of AFls / Fls of the institute.
(b) Age limit – 57 Years.

(c) Emoluments : Consolidated emoluments of Rs.2,88,000/-per month and will be covered under the Income Tax Act Rules/Professional Tax etc., as per laid down Rules.

The Break-up of the consolidated emoluments is indicated below:
i) Consolidated Fixed Pay : Rs.82,800/-.
ii) Flying Related Allowance: Rs.1,45,200/-.
iii) FIR Allowance:Rs.50,000/- (subject to receipt of approval from DGCA)
iv) FII Allowance:Rs.10,000/-(subject to receipt of approval from DGCA)
(d) Experience : As per DGCA Guidelines.

3- Flying Instructor – 2 Posts

(a) Job Specification
(i) Capable of Imparting flying training to Trainee Pilots for the issue of civil flying licenses.
(ii) Capable of conducting student Pilots’ license examination and Flight Radio Telephone Operators (Restricted) license.
(iii) Capable of imparting training for issue of Assistant Flight Instructors rating Helicopters AFIR(H), FIR (H).
(iv) Should be able to authorize flights of Helicopters operated by the Academy with the necessary approval.
(v) Should be able to carry out skill tests for issue and renewal of Pilots’ licenses, with DGCA approval.
(vi)Should be able to act as overall in charge of the flying training activities of the Academy, with DGCA approval.
(vii) Should be able to authenticate entries in Pilots log books.
(viii) Should be able to carry out periodical progress and standardization checks of AFIs/FIs of the Academy.
(ix) to fly as safety pilot with Trainees as required.
(b) Age limit – 57 Years.
(c) Emoluments : Consolidated emoluments of Rs.2,28,000/-per month and will be covered under the Income Tax Act
Rules/Professional Tax etc., as per laid down Rules.
The Break-up of the consolidated emoluments is indicated below:
i) Consolidated Fixed Pay : Rs.82,800/- .
ii) Flying Related Allowance: Rs.1,45,200/-.
(d) Experience : As per DGCA guide lines.

4- Chief Ground Instructor – 1 Post

(a) Job Specifications
(i) Coordinate ground subjects training.
(ii) Coordinate and implement lesson plans.
(iii) Ensure syllabus is completed as per DGCA norms for issue of SPL,CHPL, FRTOL (R ) and RTR examinations.
(iv) Coordinate with CFI and FI for conduct of classes.
(v) Implement DGCA directives and CARs.
(vi) Ensure that discipline is maintained by students.
(vii) Coordinate dispatch of all DGCA returns and surveillance audit reports.
(b) Age limit : As per DGCA Guidelines, No Age Bar till the concerned person is Medically Fit.
(c) Emoluments : Consolidated pay of Rs.60,000/- per month.
(d) Experience : As per DGCA Guidelines.

5- Ground Instructor -3 Posts

(a) Job Specifications
Should be able to:-
(i) Impart training to Trainee Pilots on the concerned subject.
(ii) Coordinate ground training activities with other ground instructors.
(iii) Prepare student Pilots for various DGCA examinations.
(iv) Ensure quality of training.
(v) Assist with administrative duties .
(b) Age limit : As per DGCA Guidelines, No Age Bar till the concerned person is Medically Fit.
(c) Emoluments : Consolidated Fixed Pay : Rs.42,000/- per month.
(d) Experience : As per DGCA Guidelines.

6- AME (A & C) -1 Post

(a) Job Specifications
Should be able to:-
(i) Maintain/issue Certificate of Release to service.
(ii) Supervise and certify snag rectification.
(iii) Supervise and certify major inspections and component changes.
(iv) Ensure compliance of service Bulletins, Technical Bulletins, service instructions, Modifications and Air Worthiness Directives.
(v) Ensure compliance with all directives issued by DGCA regarding Maintenance of the Helicopters in the Academy.
(vi) Ensure all audits and inspections carried out as per Schedule.
(vii) Assist CFI in planning flying task and Maintenance programs.
(vii) Ensure all documentation is as per DGCA requirements.
(viii) Ensure all C of A and Annual Review Airworthiness are current and applied for in time.
(ix) Ensure all documentation is as per DGCA requirements.
(x) Coordinate with other divisions/departments of HAL for smooth functioning of Maintenance activities.
(xi) Project and coordinate procurement of spares and servicing Bench Check/ Calibration of components in time and ensure necessary approval from CFA is obtained.
(b) Age limit : As per DGCA Guidelines, No Age Bar till the concerned person is Medically Fit.
(c) Emoluments :
Consolidated emoluments of Rs.69,600/-per month and will be covered under the Income Tax Act Rules / Professional Tax etc., as per laid down Rules.
The Break-up of the consolidated emoluments is indicated below:
i) Consolidated Fixed Pay : Rs.60,600/-.
ii) AME Licence Allowance: Rs.9,000/-.
(d) Experience : 5 years Experience on Helicopter maintenance as Technician/BAMEC/CAMO. Preferably Experience
on type (Chetak/ Schweizer 330SP/ or 300C)

7- Administrative Officer – 1 Post

(a) Job Specifications
RWA is a flying training establishment which has a unique and different role as compared to other departments of the Helicopter division. Main tasks that have to be coordinated and supervised by Administrative Officer are as follows:-
(i)The working hours of RWA is not fixed and starts at 0630 Hrs and sometimes extends beyond 1830 Hrs depending on the flying requirement. He is required to coordinate with CFI and Engineer and detail admin staff to cater for the requirements of flying.
(ii) He has to provide administrative support to Pilots, Ground Instructors, Technicians, and admin staff in terms coordinating their licenses, leave, medical and other requirements.
(iii) He is required to liaise with Army, Coast Guard, BSF and other customers regarding scheduling of courses, arrival and departure formalities of the trainees.
(iv) He is to coordinate invoicing and receipts of training fees from the customers.
(v) He is to maintain personal record of all contracts personal and coordinate renewal of contracts.
(vi) He is to supervise the serviceability of office automation systems and periodically ensure renewal of AMCs and servicing of the office equipment.
(vii) He is to screen and ensure proper civil students are inducted for the training courses.
(viii) He is to ensure that the documentations and other requirements as per DGCA norms are met by the trainees and take appropriate action in time to meet the requirements of DGCA.
(ix) Take up renewal of license with DGCA.
(x) He is to coordinate with Flying and Maintenance staff to prepare for periodic and surprise inspections by DGCA.
(xi) Liaise with HR and other departments of the division for smooth running of RWA.
(xii) Take up with DGCA for renewal of licenses, permissions and extensions if any.
(xiii) Maintain such records required by Division and DGCA for smooth conduct of training.
(xiv) Take up cases pertaining to manning, construction/ expansion of training facilities, provisioning of training material with IMM and finance.
(xv) Carry out such tasks as required by GM(H) and CTP for successful conduct of courses.
(xvi) Plan the annual work services requirement and process new cases for work services.
(xvii) Coordinate the Non Scheduled operation flying requirements.
(b) Age limit-35 Years.
(c) Emoluments : Consolidated pay of Rs.42,000/- per month.
(d) Experience : Minimum 3 years Post Qualification Experience.

8- BAMEL/BAMEC Holder – 1 Post

(a) Job Specifications
Should be able to:-
(i) Maintain call outs for component change, calibrations and bench checks.
(ii)Ensure compliance all directives issued by DGCA regarding Maintenance of Helicopters in the Academy.
(iii) Prepare papers for C of A and Annual review airworthiness.
(iv)Ensure all documentation is as per DGCA requirements.
(v) Assist AME in all Maintenance and documentation.
(vi)Follow up on all requirements for Maintenance with appropriate Post holders for smooth Maintenance of Helicopters.
(b) Age limit : As per DGCA Guidelines, No Age Bar till the concerned person is Medically Fit.
(c) Emoluments : Consolidated pay of Rs.24,000/- per month.
(d) Experience : At least one Year Experience on Rotary Wing Aircraft preferably in Piston engine Helicopters .

9- Technical Tradesman (Helicopter) – 1 Post

(a) Job Specifications
(i) To be able to assist AME in Maintenance activities of the Helicopters .
(ii) To be able to identify components of Helicopter.
(iii) Up keep of tools and testers, special tools and ground equipment.
(b) Age limit : As per DGCA Guidelines, No Age Bar till the concerned person is Medically Fit.
(c) Emoluments : Consolidated pay of Rs.23,400/- per month.
(d) Experience : 2 years of Helicopter Maintenance.
(i) Maintenance of Piston engine Helicopters.
(ii)Ex-Servicemen with Experience on Helicopter Maintenance.

10- Assistant (IMM/Progress/Methods) -1 Post

(a) Job Specifications
(i) Compiling of Spares requirements for Chetak and Schweizer Helicopters and raising of MPRs.
(ii) Follow up on outstanding demands and purchase orders.
(iii) Liaise with Stores for issue of spares and oil and greases.
(iv) Liaise with IOC for refueling of Helicopters.
(v) Put up level vouchers for signature of AME after Scrutinizing the correctness.
(vi) Coordinate fuel sample check and visit Chennai for obtaining sample report.
(vii) Deposit dockets daily with Methods Dept.
(viii) Make job cards and deposit with Methods.
(ix) Such other work as assigned by AMEs.
(b) Age limit – 28 Years .
(c) Emoluments : Consolidated pay of Rs.23,400/- per month.
(d) Experience :Experience in Maintenance of Tool stores, Aircraft /Helicopter spares store OR
Ex-Servicemen with logistics / supply background

11- Flight Dispatcher/Clerk-1 Post

(a) Job Specifications
(i) Maintenance of Flight Plan.
(ii) Maintenance of METAR data.
(iii) Maintenance of Helicopter documents as required for flying.
(iv) Flight Plan coordination.
(v) Filling of flight plan for NSOP flight.
(vi) Maintenance of DGCA related/required publications.
(vii) Maintenance of maps and route guides.
(viii) Preparation of weekly time table for courses.
(ix) Upkeep of teaching and training aids.
(x) Upkeep of class room and Lecture hall.
(xi) Maintain FDTL of all Pilots (both instructors and student Pilots).
(xii) Assist Flight Safety Officer in his duties.
(b) Age limit :28 Years.
(c) Emoluments : Consolidated pay of Rs.23,400/- per month
(d) Experience : Experience as Flight Dispatcher/ Clerk

How to Apply : Application in the prescribed format should be send on or before 15/05/2015 to
The Deputy General Manager (HR),
HAL-Helicopter Division,
Post Box No. 1709,
Vimanapura Post,
Bangalore – 560017.Get full details about HAL Jobs and its Online Submission Application, Please visit following HAL Website career page


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